Microscopic description and IHC:

The biopsy shows tightly packed cells with clear cytoplasm arranged in branched papillary configuration. The individual cells show low grade nuclear morphology (Fuhrman grade 1-2) and the nuclei are arranged away from the basement membrane. The cells are positive for CK7 and carbonic anhydrase IX. They are negative for CD10 and AMACR.


Soon to be known as Tubulopapillary carcinoma.

Better prognosis, less likely to metastasize when compared to clear cell RCC.

No known molecular or genetic mutations.

Characteristic features on H&E:

- Clear cytoplasm

- Apically or centrally oriented nuclei

- Arranged in a papillary, tubular, or acinar pattern

- Low grade nuclei

- No “macrophage islands” or necrosis

Characteristic immunohistochemical staining profile:

- Ca IX positive (characteristic “cupping” pattern)

- CK7 positive (usually diffuse and strong)

- AMACR/racemase negative

- CD10 negative

Tubulopapillary carcinoma table

Gill S., Kauffman E., Kandel S., et al. Incidence of Clear Cell Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma in Low-Grade Renal Cell Carcinoma Cases: A 12 Year Retrospective Clinicopathologic Study from a Single Cancer Center. International Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2015 Oct 27: 1-6.