Microscopic description:

Marked histiocytic proliferation, chronic inflammation

Abundant Michaelis-Gutmann bodies (iron containing, cytoplasmic laminated mineralized concretions)

IHC: AE1/3 stains reactive urothelium, positive Prussian blue and CD68.


First described by Michaelis and Gutmann in 1902 and later named by Von Hansseman

More common in immunocompromised (HIV, renal transplant recipients) and women

Single or multiple white-yellow soft raised plaques on the mucosal surface

Often misdiagnosed clinically as a malignant condition

Caused by defects in phagocytic or degradative functions of histiocytes in response to gram negative coliforms (E. coli or Proteus) that results in chronic inflammatory state, followed by intracellular deposition of iron and calcium (known as Michaelis-Gutmann bodies)

Can be divided in 3 stages:

  • Initial inflammatory stage
  • Classic stage with abundant Michaelis-Gutmann bodies
  • Third stage with progressive fibrous tissue and scarring

Foamy epithelioid histiocytes with PAS+ granular eosinophilic cytoplasm in lamina propria, some lymphocytes and occasional giant cells

Histiocytes have increased number of phagosomes containing non-digested bacteria (usually E. coli or Proteus), contain Michaelis-Gutmann bodies (iron containing, cytoplasmic laminated mineralized concretions)


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