Date of Presentation:8/31/2022

Attending pathologist: Anil Parwani, MD, PhD, MBA

Presented by: Muhammad Abdulwaasey, MBBS

Prepared by: Nishant Rangwani, BS & Gibson Hohberg, BS



Female in her early 60s with history of hypertension initially presented with back pain.

An MRI of the lumbar spine on 3/2/22 showed an incidental right 2.9 cm cyst.

CT AP with and without contrast showed that there is an enhancing mass projecting from the lateral aspect of the mid pole of the right kidney measuring 2.7 x 2.6 x 2.6 cm in longitudinal, transverse, and AP dimensions, which is highly suspicious for a renal cell carcinoma. There is a 1.0 cm cyst abutting the posterior margin of this lesion. There is an enhancing nodule projecting from the lateral margin of the upper pole of the right kidney measuring 1.4 x 0.7 x 1.0 cm in longitudinal, transverse, and AP dimensions.

Patient subsequently underwent right robotic partial nephrectomy on 7/7/22.


Tan-orange, well-circumscribed, renal mass seen in lateral aspect of mid pole.

Possible splenule identified in right apical pole.

Well-circumscribed, white, cystic lesion seen in the inferior pole.

Gross image of kidney
Microscopic image possibly detecting cancerous areas in human tissue
Microscopic image possibly detecting cancerous areas in human tissue
Microscopic image possibly detecting cancerous areas in human tissue
Microscopic image possibly detecting cancerous areas in human tissue
Microscopic image possibly detecting cancerous areas in human tissue
Microscopic image possibly detecting cancerous areas in human tissue
Microscopic image possibly detecting cancerous areas in human tissue
Microscopic image possibly detecting cancerous areas in human tissue
Microscopic image possibly detecting cancerous areas in human tissue

What is the most likely diagnosis?

  1. Oncocytoma in concert with mixed epithelial stromal tumor
  2. Adult cystic nephroma
  3. Renal cell adenocarcinoma
  4. Angiomyolipoma with epithelial cysts
  5. Renal endometriosis
  6. Cystic nephroma
Oncocytoma in concert with mixed epithelial stromal tumor