pathology home page


Welcome to the Division of Anatomic Pathology in the Department of Pathology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. In 2017, our employees processed specimens from nearly 75,000 surgical pathology cases. These specimens are the cornerstone of pathology and our laboratory personnel play a key role in obtaining the correct diagnosis for our patients. The newly created Histotechnologist Certificate Program is designed to provide post-baccalaureate students with in-depth knowledge of both the theory and practice of histotechnology. Upon successful completion of this certificate program, students will be able to identify, process, embed, cut, & stain human tissue and be eligible for employment in a histology lab.

The Histotechnologist certificate program consists of 2 consecutive 12 credit hour semesters including both lecture and hands-on training. During the program, students will gain a complete understanding of the life cycle of a surgical specimen. Students will not only learn how to process specimens but gain a deep understanding of why specific procedures are followed. Students will begin by practicing with training tissues & slides and will work towards proficiency in processing clinical samples. Students will learn to fix; process; embed; cut; and perform basic, special, immunohistochemical, and immunofluorescent stains on surgical specimens. Interaction with histotechnologists, pathology residents, and pathologists will give students a complete understanding of the role that the histotechnologist plays in clinical diagnoses.

Ribbon of tissue embedded in paraffin, floating on a water bath in preparation for mounting on a glass slide.
Demonstration of automated hematoxylin and eosin stainer looks like.  There are slides in a rack in the container in the second row from the bottom, on the right side.
Demonstration of pipetting a reagent into a plastic tube

Students will access the Autopsy room, Gross Room, Histology Lab, Immunohistochemistry Lab, and Research Lab. These spaces are equipped with the instrumentation that students will use during their tenure in the program.

  • Tissue Processors, both conventional and microwave
  • Embedding stations
  • Slide Labeling Machines
  • Microtomes with both manual and automated capabilities
  • Cryotomes
  • Manual & Automated Staining Equipment
  • Light & fluorescent Microscopes
  • Digital slide scanners

Students will be instructed on the proper use of both instruments and reagents in order to comply with both Occupational Safety and Health Administration Guidelines and Clinical practice guidelines.


  • BS or BA (with minimum of 30 semester hours of a combination of biology and chemistry)
  • GPA ≥ 2.5
  • Successful completion of background check & drug screen

How to apply:

Send the following to Bonnie Whitaker:
  • Minimum of 3 letters of recommendation from current or former professors or employers
  • Resume or CV
  • Undergraduate Transcript
  • Deadline is July 1, 2025

Upon Acceptance:

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