pathology home

Headshot of Tisha Dellos
Tisha Dellos, DO

Knox Community Hospital
1330 Coshocton Road
Mt. Vernon, OH 43050
Link to director's bio


The Community Pathology Division is a group of general pathologists led by Dr. Tisha Dellos and includes Drs. Larry DeRenne, Denise Gamble, Jeff Kneile, Manisha Mishra, Sarah Reuss, Melinda Schumacher, and Jesse Sheldon.   This team of physicians covers OSU East, James West Campus and all outreach hospitals that include Adena Health System, Highland District Hospital, Knox Community Hospital, Madison Health, and Marysville Hospital of Union County. They work with the Department of Pathology faculty, staff, and laboratories at OSUWMC for subspecialty assistance when needed.  In addition, they take part in multidisciplinary conferences at the hospitals they cover.