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Welcome to the Department of Pathology at The Ohio State University. We have numerous opportunities within the medical specialty of pathology for medical students both for student with an interest in a career in pathology or a career that will be interacting frequently with pathology such as surgery and oncology.

The first question many medical students have is “What is Pathology”? Pathology is made up of 2 divisions: Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology. Anatomic Pathology primarily involves looking at tissue or individual cells under light microscopy and making a diagnosis. These diagnoses, such as cancer, are often pivotal to patient management. Clinical Pathology involves laboratory testing that is ordered on patients daily. For example, serum values of sodium, potassium and hemoglobin are all a part of Clinical Pathology. Other examples of Clinical Pathology that medical students may routinely encounter include results from the areas of Microbiology and Transfusion Medicine.

How can medical students gain exposure to pathology? We offer the following opportunities for medical students:

1. M2 Pathology Career Exploration: Half day experience which provides an overview of the field.

2. M3 Surgical Pathology Clinical Experience: Half day experience to familiarize all students with Surgical Pathology.

3. M3 Pathology Selectives: Within the Surgery/ObGyn block, 9 different 1-week Pathology selectives are offered.

4. M3 Autopsy Clinical Experience: Autopsy conference attendance for all student within the IM/Neurology/Psychiatry block.

5. M4 Electives: 13 different 1-month electives are offered.

6. Shadowing: Students of any year can sign-up for a 2-hour shadowing experience.

7. Pathology Student Interest Group: Attend activities and events to learn about Pathology and other CV building opportunities.

8. Research: Numerous faculty within the department mentor medical students on research projects.

Additionally, the national organization, the College of American Pathologists offers numerous resources for medical students interested in learning about Pathology HERE. A great overview of what its like to be a pathologist is in this seminar HERE.

For any questions or additional information, please contact the medical student administrator Emily Marcellus and/or PSIG administrator Erin McLaughlin, or Drs. Shana'ah, Lott-Limbach, Tozbikian or Zynger.