Pathology Education Manager
N308 Doan Hall
410 W. 10th Ave
Columbus, OH 43210
The department of pathology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center offers a wide variety of competitive fellowship programs including gastrointestinal/liver pathology, dermatopathology, cytopathology, hematopathology, transfusion medicine, and renal/transplant pathology. A clinical informatics fellowship is offered in partnership with the department of internal medicine. A pediatric pathology fellowship is available at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Training is provided through high specimen volume, diverse clinical cases, independent sign out, weekly multidisciplinary sub-specialty conferences, resident lectures, national meetings, and research support. By working at the largest academic medical center in central Ohio and its comprehensive cancer center (The James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute), the fellows will gain extensive knowledge and experience in their chosen field.
Fellowship Application Information
All fellowship applications are to be submitted via email to Surentha Naidoo, the Pathology Education Manager. Please direct any inquires to Surentha as well.
- Surentha Naidoo
- Pathology Education Manager
- The Ohio State University Medical Center
- N308 Doan Hall
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
- EMAIL: Education Office
Fellowship Application Materials
Applications will be considered complete once the following documents have been received:
- CAP Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships (click here for pdf)
- Updated Curriculum Vitae
- Cover Letter and/or Personal Statement
- Copy of USMLE or COMLEX scores
- Photograph
- Three Letters of Recommendation
- * Letters of Recommendation should be addressed to the Program Director. Please refer to individual fellowships listed below for this information.
Fellowship Director:Hamza Gokozan, MD
- Cytopathology Fellowship Program Director
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
- Availability:2025-2026 (2 positions), 2026-2027 (1 position)
- Note:Applications for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 are currently open.
- Note:Applications for 2027-2028 will be accepted starting July 1, 2025.
Description: This is a one-year cytopathology training program at Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, which includes the Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Research Institute. The cytology laboratory accessions approximately 36,000 cases annually. This includes 8,000 exfoliative non-gynecologic, and about 2,400 FNA specimens. The cytopathology fellow will experience preliminary sign-out of non-gynecologic and gynecologic specimens, gynecologic pap smear/cervical biopsy correlations, and performing and interpreting FNA under supervision of a staff cytopathologist. Twelve months are spent in clinical service as it relates to cytopathology with access to surgical pathology, frozen sections, molecular pathology, HPV DNA analysis, image analysis, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and research associated with cytopathology. The fellow will participate in the cytopathology teaching of cytotechnologists, medical students and residents. He/she may also participate in the regular resident microscopic seminars, hospital tumor boards, cytopathology teleconferences, CAP proficiency tests and formal cytopathology lectures. The fellow may participate in inspections as they relate to certification in cytology and quality assurance. Strengths of the program include the diversity of the cytopathology faculty as well as their strengths in gynecologic pathology, gynecologic and non-gynecologic cytology, flow cytometry DNA analysis and image analysis, and fine needle aspiration cytology.
Requirements: Candidate should be AP/CP Board eligible or Board certified.
Stipend: Support will commensurate with year of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries: Please complete the fellowship application and send with supporting documents to the following email address:
- Surentha Naidoo
- Pathology Education Manager
- The Ohio State University Medical Center
- N308 Doan Hall
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
Fellowship Director:Catherine Chung, MD
- Dermatopathology Fellowship Program Director
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
- Filled:2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027
Description: The Dermatopathology Fellowship at Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University is a 12-month program. Training in dermatopathology is done synchronously with pathology or dermatology depending on the fellow's prior experience. The pathology experience is provided in the Department of Pathology with emphasis on surgical pathology. Dermatology experience is patient care oriented with the fellow assigned patients in a clinic setting in the Division of Dermatology.
The dermatopathology portion of the fellowship involves service, teaching and clinical or basic research.
The fellow conducts a weekly teaching conference with dermatology residents using appropriate slide material to review common and unusual cases. The fellow is expected to develop a research interest and prepare a paper suitable for presentation at a national meeting and publication. Opportunities for basic research are available. Most techniques of molecular biology are available, allowing for the development of individual research projects. The Department of Pathology has laboratory techniques and instrumentation expected at a tertiary care center.
Requirements: Board eligible or board certified in pathology or dermatology.
Stipend: Support will commensurate with year of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries: Please complete the fellowship application and send with supporting documents to the following email address:
- Surentha Naidoo
- Pathology Education Manager
- The Ohio State University Medical Center
- N308 Doan Hall
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
Fellowship Director:Ashwini K. Esnakula, MBBS, MS
- Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship Program Director
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
- Filled:2025-2026, 2026-2027
Description: This one-year program provides instruction and experience in gastrointestinal pathology. The Fellowship allows fellows to integrate their medical knowledge with the use of traditional and modern techniques for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal and liver disorders. The fellow will become proficient in the use of ancillary studies such as immunohistochemistry and the interpretation of some molecular testing. There is a large volume of GI and liver cases including wide spectrum of medical and neoplastic disease. Additionally, OSU treats many patients with pancreatic disease and the fellow will have ample opportunity to evaluate this disease material. The Fellowship is also designed to develop investigational skills through ongoing research projects in gastrointestinal pathology as well as expand teaching and presentation skills.
Requirements: The candidate should be AP/CP Board eligible or Board certified.
Stipend: Support will commensurate with year of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries: Please complete the fellowship application and send with supporting documents to the following email address:
- Surentha Naidoo
- Pathology Education Manager
- The Ohio State University Medical Center
- N308 Doan Hall
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
Fellowship Director:Norris Hollie, MD, PhD
- Hematopathology Fellowship Program Director
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
- Filled:2025-2026, 2026-2027
Description: The Department of Pathology at Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University offers a one year accredited fellowship in Hematopathology. The Fellowship is designed to provide the trainee with a broad-based experience in clinical hematopathology, including experience in routine laboratory hematology, coagulation, flow cytometry, solid tissue hematopathology, pediatric hematopathology, cytogenetics and diagnostic molecular pathology. The trainee is actively involved in all diagnostic evaluations, clinical consultations and teaching programs of the department. The clinical material reflects the breadth of hematopathology and includes over 2400 bone marrow biopsies, 730 lymph node biopsies, 3000 diagnostic flow cytometry cases, 1600 coagulation evaluations, 3500 body fluid samples, 1500 abnormal peripheral blood smears, and 750 hemoglobin electrophoresis on an annual basis. Elective time is available for pursuit of research interests with the potential for pursuing significant research by extending the fellowship.
Requirements: The applicant should have completed pathology residency training (AP and/or CP) in an accredited program.
Stipend: Support will commensurate with year of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries: Please complete the fellowship application and send with supporting documents to the following email address:
- Surentha Naidoo
- Pathology Education Manager
- The Ohio State University Medical Center
- N308 Doan Hall
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
Fellowship Director:Archana Shenoy, MD
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, offers ACGME-accredited Pediatric Pathology Fellowship training. Our program combines a strong curriculum, nurturing learning environment, and flexibility regarding electives and research projects. Fellowship eligibility requirements include a minimum of 3 years Pathology Residency training at an ACGME-accredited program and a valid ECFMG certificate (if applicable).
We also offer non-ACGME training in surgical and clinical pediatric pathology for qualified, independently funded international scholars who meet sponsorship requirements by home country academic institutions.
- Archana Shenoy, MD
- Anatomic Pediatric Pathology Fellowship Program Director
Learn more:Nationwide Children's Hospital Fellowship Program
Fellowship Director:Anjali Satoskar, MD
- Renal and Transplant Pathology Fellowship Program Director
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- B073D Graves Hall
- 333 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
Description: This one or two-year program provides instruction and experience in renal pathology/transplant pathology. The Department of Pathology has a busy and growing renal biopsy referral service receiving biopsies from several states in the area. We receive native and transplant kidney biopsies – mainly adult but also a sizeable number of pediatric kidney biopsies. OSU has outstanding academic nephrology and transplant divisions. The transplant division performs kidney, pancreas, heart, lung and liver transplants. The kidney transplant program is one of the most active in the country with approximately 250 renal transplantations performed in a year. The fellow is expected to spend 50% of his/her time doing clinical work; the other 50% of the fellow's time will be devoted to clinical and/or basic research projects, but the fellowship can be tailored according to individual needs.
Requirements: Candidates should be Board-eligible or Board certified.
Stipend: Support will commensurate with year of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries: Please complete the fellowship application and send with supporting documents to the following email address:
- Surentha Naidoo
- Pathology Education Manager
- The Ohio State University Medical Center
- N308 Doan Hall
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
Fellowship Director:Adrian Suarez, MD
- Surgical Pathology Director
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
- Availability:2025-2026 (1 position), 2026-2027 (1 position)
- Note:Applications for 2025-2026 will be accepted starting July 1, 2024
Description:The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center offers a one year Surgical Pathology Fellowship. The fellowship program provides advanced and focused instruction and experience in diagnostic surgical pathology. The fellowship curriculum is designed to build upon previous training and provide a broad experience necessary for independent practice in either an academic or community-based setting. The fellow will have the opportunity to choose and further develop an area of emphasis amongst a wide array of subspecialties. Opportunity for independent sign out is available.
Requirements: The candidate should be AP or AP/CP board eligible or board certified. License (training certificate or unrestricted license) to practice medicine in the state of Ohio is also required.
Stipend:Support will commensurate with year of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries: Please complete the fellowship application and send with supporting documents to the following email address:
- Surentha Naidoo
- Pathology Education Manager
- The Ohio State University Medical Center
- N308 Doan Hall
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
Fellowship Director: Michael Losos, MD
- Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program Director
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
- Filled:2024-2025
- Availability:2025-2026 (1 position), 2026-2027 (1 position)
- Note:Applications for 2026-2027 will be accepted starting July 1, 2024
Description: This one-year ACGME approved program provides instruction and experience in hospital and blood center transfusion medicine. The trainee actively participates in routine and complex serological evaluations, prenatal screening and therapy, component collection and therapy, therapeutic apheresis, peripheral blood stem cell collection, quality assurance, and information management. Clinical services include bone marrow and solid organ transplant, Level 1 trauma, Cancer Hospital, Heart Hospital and high risk perinatal services. Included are The Ohio State University Hospitals (900 beds), Nationwide Children's Hospital (370 beds) and the Central Ohio Red Cross Blood Services (collecting 150,000 units/year). Research is encouraged. Resources for image analysis, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, cytogenetics and molecular pathology are available.
Requirements: Candidates should be Board-eligible or Board-certified in one of the following specialties: Clinical Pathology, Anesthesia, Hematology, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Colon and Rectal Surgery, Neurological Surgery or Thoracic Surgery.
Stipend: Support will commensurate with year of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries: Please complete the fellowship application and send with supporting documents to the following email address:
- Surentha Naidoo
- Pathology Education Manager
- The Ohio State University Medical Center
- N308 Doan Hall
- 410 W. 10th Avenue
- Columbus, OH 43210
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