Gina Alderson Administrative Associate
Sandra Banky Associate Operations Director of Anatomic Pathology
Laura Bernans Faculty Affairs Coordinator
Cindy Blair Administrative Associate, Clinical Pathology and Neuropathology
Judith Bowers Assistant to Dr. Wendy Frankel
Angela Blissett, PhD Electron Microscope Director
Aileen Carter Dermatopathology
Lauren Elliott Office Associate
Mandy Escalante IHC Manager
FAX (Main Office) Optometry Bldg
FAX (Surgical Pathology) Doan Hall
Ramona Fields Pathology Support Services Manager
Dawn Gullifer Chambers Rd. Manager
Ariane Keller Assistant to Vice Chair, Anatomic Pathology
Stephanie Laus Renal Pathology Assistant
Katie Marett Fiscal Officer
Tanya May Finance, Senior Analyst
Shedrick McClenton Autopsy Services & AP Compliance Manager
Erin McLaughlin Education Program Coordinator
Surentha Naidoo Program Manager Medical Education
Margaret Orslene Finance Manager
Marlene Parker Gross Room Manager
Erin Patten QA Manager
Mindy Pifher The James Labs Operations Director
Angel Pope Histology Manager
Katie Purcell Human Resources
TBA Tissue Archive Services
Kristen Smith Gross Room Manager
Leslie Stump Chief Administrative Officer
Jaime Swartzwelder Clinical Laboratory Manager
Alena Taylor Morgue
Bonnie Whitaker AP Operations Director
Jason Willis Cytology Manager