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Netty Santoso, PhD

Assistant Professor

Netty Santoso, PhD


(614) 685-0017


Email Dr. Santoso

Mailing Address:

385A Wiseman Hall
400 W. 12th Ave
Columbus, OH 43210


Dr. Santoso's long-term research interest is to understand molecular mechanism underlying oncoviral pathogenicity. She uses functional genomics and systematic approaches to investigate the impact of oncoviruses infection on host genome and identify novel restriction factors involved in viral pathogenesis.

Academic and Medical Appointments

2021-presentTenure-track Assistant Professor - Department of Pathology, The Ohio State University College of Medicine

2018-2021Research Assistant Professor - Department of Pathology, The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Education and Training

Postdoctoral training, Harvard Medical School

PhD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Bsc, Purdue University

Selected Publications

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