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The Division of Breast Pathology consists of Dr. Yan Hu, Dr. Zaibo Li, Dr. Alana Dasgupta, Dr. Maryam Tahir, Dr. Wegahta Weldemichael, Dr. Mazen Gafeer, Dr. Gary Tozbikian (Division Director), and Dr. Debra Zynger. The division provides care to patients seen at The Ohio State University Hospital and the Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center. In order to provide the best care to our patients, we participate in a multimodality tumor board which is attended by surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, nurses and radiologists. This conference is held weekly on Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. at the Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center. In the areas of patient care, service, and quality assurance, our division provides the highest quality diagnostic and breast cancer biomarker testing services, clinical trial support, and second opinion consultation services. In the area of teaching, we continue to provide one-on-one teaching to residents and medical students during case sign-out, as well as direct supervision of residents and pathology assistants in the gross room. The Division also provides a series of eight didactic lectures on breast pathology over the course of the 2-year resident lecture cycle.