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The Liver and Pancreaticobiliary Pathology Division is led by Dr. Wei Chen, and faculty members include Drs. Wendy Frankel, Martha Yearsley, Shaoli Sun, Ashwini Esnakula, Wegahta Weldemichael, Jennifer Vazzano and Vidya Arole. OSU main Campus clinical volume for the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Pathology Division was 2455 specimens in the year 2024. This included 2,027 liver specimens, comprising medical, neoplastic and transplant liver biopsies, and liver resections. The pancreaticobiliary specimens consisted of 198 ampullary/bile duct biopsies/excisions, 97 pancreatic biopsies, and 128 pancreatectomy specimens. Additionally, the division handled 224 outside consultations for liver and pancreas specimens during the year. We remain committed to providing outstanding clinical service to our gastroenterologists, Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary surgeons, transplant surgeons, and outside pathologists.

In addition to clinical activities, we are dedicated to our teaching mission. We offer a combined GI/Liver/Pancreaticobiliary Pathology Fellowship under the direction of Dr. Esnakula and Dr. Chen. We are also involved in teaching gastroenterology fellows, hepatology and transplant surgery fellows, GI and liver pathology fellows, pathology residents and medical students. Our biweekly Liver Clinicopathologic Correlation Conference provides a robust learning tool and well-rounded experience for our fellows. This conference is selected from an array of cases (~ 150 cases per year) and provides an excellent clinicopathologic correlation input to those in attendance. Our division actively supports ongoing translational research in collaboration with the Hepatology, Transplant Surgery, Radiology and Imaging, and Oncology Departments.